(The picture is clickable for a larger view)
I first saw this design a few years ago when it was first released and while I liked it, decided to wait to purchase it. Then last year, while in Rochester, MN for the Collie Club of America national specialty, I saw it stitched in a cross stitch shop that was right across the street from the national and decided it was a "must have". (A dog show and an LNS in the same spot! How great was that?!) The model was stitched on recommended 30 ct. Saltmarsh Green linen from R&R Reproductions....very cute, but I wanted a spooky, night time feel to it and I think I got it with the fabric I chose; 36 ct. Gothic linen from Picture This Plus. I'm really pleased with how it turned out!
And now in the words of CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, "Where's the RUM?!"