Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Yo ho ho!

A witch, a boney crew, and ghostly sails are some of the creepy things are present in my latest cross stitch finish. Despite these scary elements, this was fun to stitch. The design by Cross Eyed Cricket is called "Skeleton Crew."

(The picture is clickable for a larger view)

I first saw this design a few years ago when it was first released and while I liked it, decided to wait to purchase it. Then last year, while in Rochester, MN for the Collie Club of America national specialty, I saw it stitched in a cross stitch shop that was right across the street from the national and decided it was a "must have". (A dog show and an LNS in the same spot! How great was that?!) The model was stitched on recommended 30 ct. Saltmarsh Green linen from R&R Reproductions....very cute, but I wanted a spooky, night time feel to it and I think I got it with the fabric I chose; 36 ct. Gothic linen from Picture This Plus. I'm really pleased with how it turned out!

And now in the words of CAPTAIN Jack Sparrow, "Where's the RUM?!"

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Isn't he cute? This is Gabe....more info on him, and the other dogs, later...

Friday, April 24, 2009

Scarlet Quince-The Language of Flowers

So one of my main hobbies is cross stitching. Currently I'm working on a chart from Scarlet Quince called 'The Language of Flowers.' The artwork is by G.D Leslie. Don't ask me why I decided to stitch this as I have no logical answer. In an attempt to save my sanity, I stitch on it for a stretch of a few weeks and then it goes a way for a while. Sometimes a long while. Last weekend I got the urge to work on it a bit. This is my progress through yesterday.

So far I've finished the first two pages and started the third. There are 24 pages. I figure I'll have it finised in a decade....or two....
Stats on LoF:
Stitch count: 444 x 343
Stitched on 36 ct. linen, 2 over 2
Finished size (if it gets finished!): 25" x 19"
# of colors: 122

Taking the plunge...

Technically I've had a blog for a few years now but did nothing with it. Never thought my life was interesting enough to blog about (and still don't!) but deicded to go ahead and try it anyway.